Team BKI


Ms. Kumi, Director 

Lived in: Australia

Language: English, Japanese

Education: Diploma in Community Service (Children’s Service) in Australia

Experience in Childcare: 2000~

Featured Activities:

Hobby: Karate (Holds a Black Belt)

Message: Wonder and Explore in your early childhood!


Mr. Rob, Director

Lived in: Australia

Language: English

Education: Diploma in Community Service (Children’s Service) in Australia

Experience in Childcare: 1999~

Featured Activities:

Hobby: Miniature Surfboard Art

Message: Be as helpful as you can.


Ms. S

Lived in: Australia

Language: English

Education: Australia

Experience in Childcare: 2007~

Featured Activities: Fashion Show Project, Video Editing, and Science projects

Hobby: Crafts, Photography

Message: Live every day like it’s a broadway musical.


Ms. MA

Lived in: The Philippines

Language: English, Tagalog

Education: The Philippines

Education in Childcare: 2008~




Lived in:

Language: English


Education in Childcare:

Featured Activities:




Ms. Y

Lived in: USA, Australia

Language: English, Japanese

Education: USA, Japan

Experience in Childcare: 2013~

Hobby: Salsa Dancing, and Theatre

Message: It has that thing - the imagination, and the feeling of happy excitement- I knew when I was a kid. -Walt Disney


Ms. I

Lived in: Uzbekistan

Language: English, Uzbek, Russian, Turkish, and Japanese

Education: Uzbekistan, Japan

Experience in Childcare: 2007~

Hobby: Having fun time with my kids, Watching movies, and Learning a new language.

Message: You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character!


Ms. L (Remotely Working Assistant)

Lived in: Canada

Language: Japanese, English

Education: Canada

Featured Activities: SNS Posts, Update BKIs and Model Stix websites etc.

Hobby: Exploring the local area on my Bicycle, and Watching Movies at home

Certification: EIKEN Grade 1

Message: I mainly work in the office with Mr. Rob. I love the energy and creativity that the children and teachers bring together at BKI.